
An online video game that provides elementary-aged children with a nature education.

Through world building, imagination, and exploration, the world of Fera introduces children ages 5 to 10 to complex Earthly concepts like evolution and ecology — while also enhancing their passion for exploration and personal growth.

This introduction to nature’s cycles and phenomena is a crucial part of childhood. Historically, children might have absorbed these lessons while climbing trees or digging in the dirt. As our modern world continues to shift how and where children play, Fera transforms nature’s lessons into an immersive, engaging world that’s easily accessible no matter where you live.

Fera is a planet consisting of 5 different ecological regions, or biomes. Level 1 of the video game takes place in Marin, a bottlenecked peninsula located in an ocean alcove.

Because it is surrounded by cascading waterfalls, any amount of rain in Marin causes rapid flooding. The species that live in Marin have developed behavioral and anatomical adaptations that help them thrive during the biome's quick and constant flooding. Each strange and silly creature has a role to play.